Local author relaunches human resources book

Feb. 9—HR leader, real estate entrepreneur and life/career coach Meher Sheikh Stevie of Marietta is relaunching her book, "House of HR."

Throughout the book, Meher tells the story of her trials and triumphs as a Pakistani and now American woman navigating the international corporate world of Human Resources. She offers affirmations and proof that no matter what life throws one's way, if they keep a sharp mind, a resilient heart and a humble spirit, they can also achieve their dreams.

Meher divides her book into two parts: her personal journey and her expertise in human resources.

"House of HR" is 160 pages and is now available in ebook and print versions at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers.

The book trailer is available at https://fb.watch/b2S9LqMgoR/.
