Charlie Sheen defends asking God to kill Donald Trump next

It’s undeniable that 2016 has been a tragic year of celebrity deaths, with many of us forced to say an early goodbye to some of our greatest idols.

From David Bowie to Prince to Carrie Fisher, there has been a seemingly neverending spiral of tragedy and heartache, with the sheer amount of icons lost in 2016 not going unnoticed.

Charlie Sheen has offended Donald Trump supporters.
Charlie Sheen has offended Donald Trump supporters.

Especially not by controversial actor Charlie Sheen, who referenced the amount of celebrity deaths there have been over the past 12 months over on his Twitter page, where he begged God to take President-elect Donald Trump next.

He simply wrote to his 11million followers: “Dear God; Trump next, please! Trump next, please!Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please!”

Despite Trump’s huge unpopularity, Sheen’s Tweet sparked immense backlash and many slammed the star for wishing the controversial businessman-turned-celeb-turned-president dead.

However, Charlie remained defiant and took to his social media page again to defend himself.

He wrote: “The media’s reaction to last night’s tweet is inanely emblematic of the panoramic timorousness draped vastly and wantonly across any and all expressions of hope or joy that we now dare to publish or impart.

Fingers crossed, eh Charlie? - Credit: CBS
Charlie refuses to apologise.

“Oh, and by the way, I was talking to God, not you.”

Cor, has somebody swallowed a thesaurus or what?

Sheen continues to be inundated with backlash from Trump supporters but he is yet to respond to the critics for a second time.