How to Teach Your Kids Gratitude

Source: How to Teach Your Kids Gratitude

In this age of instant gratification, encourage your kids to learn and practice simple acts of gratitude. Not only will it help build and improve their value systems, but it's also a great way to help them find more happiness in the everyday. Follow these five easy tips to inspire more thank-yous.

  1. Volunteer as a family. Sign up for a local food drive or a 5K dedicated to a cause. Make it a family affair so that your kids are aware of those who are less fortunate. Participating in philanthropic activities will teach them the importance of giving back and the joy in helping others.

  2. Give them a gratitude journal. Buy your children a gratitude journal and encourage them to write down what they're thankful for at the end of each day. Sitting down and thinking about what matters most to them will help to boost their mood and strengthen their appreciation.

  3. Be a stickler for thank-you notes. Invest in some cute personalized thank-you cards for your kids to help them get in the stationery-sending habit. Don't restrict it to birthday or holiday gifts, either. Prod them to send cards throughout the year for smaller, less obvious things, too - for instance, to a babysitter who takes them on a special excursion.

  4. Point out the little things. Encourage your kids to appreciate life's smallest pleasures by drawing attention to them throughout the day. Mention how nice it is to walk in the sun or sip freshly squeezed orange juice. By regularly identifying what you're personally thankful for, you welcome them to do the same.

  5. Serve as an example. Be the person who brings the hostess a gift and sends flowers to those who go above and beyond. Tell your children why you're doing it so that they learn about common niceties and understand the practice of showing gratitude.

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