Gingrich on Romney in final Nevada swing: ‘I don’t believe the Republican party wants a George Soros-approved candidate’

LAS VEGAS, Nev.—Against a backdrop of a mechanical bull, cowboy garb and guitars lining the walls, Newt Gingrich sounded very serious on the stump Friday as he implored supporters to help him defeat Mitt Romney in Saturday's Nevada caucuses.

"We need your help tomorrow in the caucus and we're very grateful that you're here," Gingrich told an audience gathered at Stoney's Rockin' Country bar for an event billed as a "grassroots rally." He later directed the crowd to "go home and Facebook, YouTube, tweet, whatever … speak up for a people's campaign."

Gingrich, who appeared with his wife, Callista, spent much of his 30-minute speech deriding Romney, painting the former Massachusetts governor as too moderate for the Republican party. "It isn't good enough for the Republican Party to nominate 'Obama-lite.' I don't believe the Republican party wants a George Soros-approved candidate," Gingrich said, referring to a new ad he released Friday that highlights a recent interview in which Soros said he would be comfortable with a Romney presidency.

And Gingrich lobbed some new attacks, labeling Romney a "little food stamp" supporter (in the mold of "big food stamp" president Barack Obama) and renaming his 15 percent flat tax proposal the "Mitt Romney flat tax" because that's Romney's recently revealed tax rate.

As the Gingrich campaign makes its final push in Nevada, the candidate continues to cast himself as the representative "of the people," fighting a wealthy Romney machine. (Gingrich, for his part, has received significant backing in the state from billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.)

Polls continue to show Romney leading Nevada by a wide margin, in part attributable to the large number of Mormons expected to vote in the caucuses.

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