What's the Worst Holiday Gift You've Ever Gotten?

This elf sweater is an excellent example of a terrible gift for your man. Especially your big, burger-loving man.
This elf sweater is an excellent example of a terrible gift for your man. Especially your big, burger-loving man.

It's the season of patient anticipation, of thoughtful giving, of unrelenting hope. But all that can come crashing down in the instant the wrapping paper is pulled back and an unimaginably bad gift is sitting there on your lap. And if that awful present comes from a partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband -- anyone who should know you better than an aged aunt with a bad re-gifting habit or the next-door neighbor at a White Elephant exchange -- the pain can last for years.

Whether you've forgiven and tried to forget, laughed it off, or come around to consider unfortunate gifts as just another chapter in your romantic fairy tale, we do know your significant others have wrapped up some pretty bad presents for you. You've shared crazier bequests than we could ever make up, from loaves of bread picked up last minute to way-oversized clothes to candy underthings to electronic flossers and nose-hair gadgets to Cosby sweaters and cleavers and vacuum cleaners (all recurring nightmares for couples on the eve of a big holiday bash). We've cringed to hear when all you've opened up from your dear-heart is a text message on the big day and when Santa's delivered a big, fat bag of nothing to you.

Now, as we review the holidays that haunt us still, what horrid gifts has your other half gotten you? And if you dare to confess, tell us what packages you've wrapped up that earned you coal with your significant other?

Need to feel better about what you've gotten from your loved one?
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