Does Visa's Super Bowl Ad Put Football Before Parenting?

Expect to see a lot of these four old guys in the lead up to Super Bowl XLV. They're the cornerstone of Visa's "Go Fans!" ad campaign and the most literal members of the credit card company's "Never Miss a Super Bowl" series of ads.

Of course there's nothing wrong with watching football. Who doesn't love a pack of doddering men getting giddy over a stack of ticket stubs and a roomful of Super Bowl memorabilia? These four guys have been to every single Superbowl - all 44! Sounds like fun.

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But then it gets a little creepy.

Larry Jacobson, who calls himself (sardonically?) "Mr. Excitement," brags that he's missed births and weddings in order to attend the event. Wow, lucky brides. Lucky babies! But he's needed at the annual football championship, you see. Since all those fans matter to the game - not to support their favorite teams. Rather, to telepathically control the ball and send it through the goal posts.

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Larry, how could you waste all that telepathy on football? What about telepathically assisting a baby through the goal posts of life?

Well, anyway. Jacobson is getting chewed up over on YouTube for his dedication to NFL's annual big finale, which, as Ad Freak points out, was likely not even featuring Jacobson's favorite team most years.

But who cares about family. Throw the kids in the basement and pass the nachos. It's Super Bowl XLV!

To watch the Visa Super Bowl commercial, visit Babble's Strollerderby.


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