New Study Says Babies Are a Health Risk ... to You--Do You Want to Be a Mother?

By Sarah Jio, Glamour magazine

Darlings, you know that I'm recently on the other side of pregnancy--my new baby, Colby William, was born on January 31. I adore him, but is he ... bad for my health? The latest, controversial, study that links motherhood with poor health. Do you want to be a mom?

You don't have to be a parent to know that raising kids is, well, kinda hard. (I have three!) But, a new study from University of Minnesota researches alleges that becoming a mom may be doomsday for your health. They say that moms consume more calories and get less physical activity than childless women--both bigtime no-nos when it comes to living a long and healthy life.

My first response? Well, duh! (Motherhood = less time for you!). My second response? Guilty! While I don't have a problem with over-eating, I sometimes find myself cutting up all these great fruits and veggies and giving them to the kids without remembering to eat them myself! A martyr, I am.

Mom readers, weigh in: Do you find this true in your own life. Non-mamas, do findings like this make you not want to have kids?

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