
Brett Favre’s coaching interviews are just as folksy as his playing quotes

Ever wonder what it would be like to hear Brett Favre discuss a practice from a coach's perspective? After his first official day at the helm of the Hattiesburg (Miss.) Oak Grove High football offense, now we all know.

As it turns out, Favre the coach sounds an awful lot like Favre the player; he's just as folksy and charming, only now he's complaining about having to run passing routes himself instead of offensive game plans designed to minimize the scope of his mistakes.

"We got a long ways to go," Favre told Hattiesburg NBC affiliate WDAM. "We're way out of shape, including me. I was struggling there at the end. …

"It's a learning process for me, and I think I'll be learning all year."

As first published by WDAM, Favre weighed in on his new team's first practice and admitted to a bit of transitional difficulty. In particular, the new coach said he is struggling to adapt to the Oak Grove offensive terminology, and remains dependent in large part on the team's other offensive coaches to call plays and offer specific advice based on the play that was just completed.

While those struggles might have put a damper on Favre's first day at the new office, he had plenty of other things to smile about. The Packers legend told WDAM that new Oak Grove student Cameron Myers, a quarterback transfer from Lithonia (Ga.) Martin Luther King High, had what Favre considered to be "the best arm in the state."

That's a good place for a legendary fun and gunning quarterback to get his high school career started, even if there were some interesting generational gaps between the new offensive coordinator and his new charges.

"It was a lot of fun. It's totally new to me," Favre told WDAM. "My experience in pro football really means zero here. I think there are some people who might think differently, but the high school game is totally foreign to me. I ran the wishbone in high school; these kids have no idea what the wishbone is."

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