Cookie Magazine Editors' Tips: Emails for the modern baby scrapbook

I will most likely never make a baby book for either of my kids. I wish I were that kind of mom, but I'm not, and I've decided not to beat myself up about it. That said, I was thrilled to read Dan Ferraro's piece (in the second issue of Cookie) on setting up Gmail accounts for his babies to record their formative years. I took his advice and, for the past three years, have been sending emails to my boys (Henry, 4, and Willem, 2) in hopes that they'll someday read them and keep them as artifacts of their childhoods. My messages to them range from multi-paragraph love letters on their birthdaysmodernized baby scrapbook to one-liners that document a particularly funny or poignant phrase that comes out of their mouths-like the time a friend of ours was staying with us and woke up to Henry (an inch from his face) exclaiming, "Can you believe it's morning already?" Sometimes I'll send them pictures from the day's events. I've also asked grandparents and loved ones to email them after visits. It's the new, , I think, that will give them an even clearer mental snapshot of who they were at the age of 4 when they review this stuff at age 20, 30, 40...

--Pilar Guzman, Editor-In-Chief

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