Are you slouching? Stretches and Exercises to Help with Pain and Posture

A recent study published in the European Heart Journal cited 8.5 hours as the average time most working Americans sit each day! Over that period of time, we start to slouch.


This affects the low back because we are sitting in the reverse of the natural curve of our back. It affects our neck because we are encouraging the dreaded dowager's hump. Most back pain issues come from ligament and muscle strain or weakness. Sitting properly at a desk or when we are driving, stretching to break up prolonged sitting in one position and strengthening of core and back muscles , all make a huge impact on posture.

If you're reading this , I bet you are sitting taller with your shoulders back right now! Being conscious of your posture is key. Remember the old adage, you can't correct the problem unless you know you have one?

There are a multitude of exercises to correct posture out there but until you become conscious of your posture in sitting and standing, you won't be able to exact a change.

Read more for easy stretches to do at your computer. >>

-- Nancy Whelan, PT , is the owner of the West Palm Beach Physical Therapy Center . Physical therapists are licensed professionals qualified to treat a variety of conditions such as arthritis, auto and sports related injuries, fractures and joint replacements, back pain, muscle sprains/strains and repetitive use injuries as well as postural problems that may cause neck, back and arm pain.