Britney Spears Has A 'Swagger Coach'

News just in, Britney Spears has somebody who she affectionately calls her ‘swagger coach’ to ensure that she is in tip-top condition and super-cool at all times.

Well, we could all do with one of those, eh?

The singer is said to credit her new-found confidence to the mysterious expert who has helped to boost her self-esteem, make her feel fantastic, bring back her swagger, and basically just empower her in every possible way.

We suggest that this expert gets all of the awards.

A source explained: “Britney’s been gradually getting better for years and being in Vegas is a big help for her state of mind.

"You can see the difference in how she was in those first shows in 2013 to now. But it’s her new life coach - who she calls her 'swagger coach’ - that’s helping her take things to the next level.

"She won’t tell anyone what they do or who he is, but it’s working. She’s more confident than she’s been in forever.

"And after years of going from one boyfriend to the next, she’s enjoying being single - she feels empowered and like she can do what she wants.”

You go, Brit - you can do whatever you want to do.

As well as helping her mental state of mind, the 34-year-old has undergone a complete body transformation under the guidance of this expert, with the insider adding to Heat magazine: “She’s just committing to eating clean and working out - in turn she feels proud of herself.

"She’s doing yoga, sometimes twice a day and loves ballet barre workouts too. It’s no wonder she wanted all her Vegas onstage costumes redesigned - she can’t stop showing off her abs.”

And we don’t blame her.

We couldn’t be more proud of Britney - it’s like 2007 never even happened.