Hear John Legend Incorporate Sounds From Space on ‘Under the Stars’

John Legend literally sings with the stars on “Under the Stars.” (Associated Press)

Did you know that stars in space emit sounds? To hear an example, listen to John Legend’s latest, “Under the Stars,” a song that incorporates recordings of the heavenly bodies.

During the opening of the ethereal track made in support of Stella Artois’ “Give Beautifully” campaign, listeners can hear what sounds like a radio tuner searching for a frequency or maybe the theme song from “The Twilight Zone.”

Legend had no idea this was possible until Stella (which means star in Latin) approached him with the opportunity. “When they told me I thought it was cool,” Legend tells Yahoo Music. “Scientists are able to record the vibrations that stars make into real audio that you can use on record. Legend says this collaboration is the first time there’s been an actual “duet between humans and incorporating the sound of stars into a record.”

According a statement from a spokesperson for the Belgium beer, “Stars vibrate in a rhythmical patter that can be translated into audible sounds and musical notes.” These frequency waves can be translated into sounds that resemble musical notes.

The song’s message, however, isn’t about space. “It’s about all of us being here together under the stars, about bringing people together, about optimism,” Legend explains. “It’s about the melody. I wanted something that was coy and warm about family and loved ones. I wanted it to be a gift to America because the campaign is all about giving.”

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