What Will We Be Eating in the Future?

When it comes to the food of the future, there’s a lot to look forward to. Sustainable? Check. Healthy? Double check. But appetizing, too? Now, that might take some work.

In this video from Buzzfeed, some of the most highly touted, nutritionally fortified and environmentally friendly future fare is taste tested by a group of present-day eaters, and things definitely get interesting.

The test includes everything from vegan mayo made with peas instead of eggs — making for a lower carbon footprint — to 100 percent biodegradable edible cups, which we tried out ourselves recently).

Also on the eating itinerary are Quorn chicken-style nuggets made with Mycoprotein, a meat-free, high-fiber protein low in saturated fat — which one tester describes as “cardboard ground up, deep fried” — and pancakes made with cricket flour, high in protein, fat, and amino acids.

And of course, no future food line-up would be complete without Soylent, the powder drink mix that’s intended to meet all of your staple nutritional needs, eliminating that whole pesky eating thing forever.

To sum up the entire video, as one taste tester says of Soylent: “This is what an alien would make if they’ve never seen food.” Well… hopefully food can only get better (and tastier) from here.

Which of these future foods would you be willing to eat? Let us know in the comments below!