6 Ways to Create a Father-daughter Bond that Will Last Forever

6 Ways to Create a Father-Daughter Bond That Will Last Forever
6 Ways to Create a Father-Daughter Bond That Will Last Forever

It's no secret that dads have a special bond with their baby girls. The father/daughter dynamic is one that begins the moment the ultrasound tech says "It's a girl," the moment he knows his heart truly belongs to another. From the moment my daughter was born she's had her father under a spell. Is it her big blue eyes? The sound of her voice? The ways she curls her bottom lip for dramatic effect whenever she pouts? I'm not sure, but she's got him hooked. There are so many ways to encourage this precious relationship. Here are 6 simple ways you can get a head start nurturing the bond that will last a lifetime.

Related: 10 activities to inspire dad-and-baby bonding

Nurture the Father-Daughter Bond
Nurture the Father-Daughter Bond

1. Nurture the Father-daughter Bond
There's no doubt about it: daddies love their baby girls. While it seems like moms bear the brunt of the day-to-day care for newborns, it's so important for fathers to play an active part.

Bond Early
Bond Early

2. Bond Early
Many dads will tell you that they're unsure of their role with a newborn. They can take an active role in soothing, diapering, and helping with feeding duties. Their presence from the very beginning is so important!

Related: 5 creative ways to celebrate your baby's firsts

Love the Little Moments
Love the Little Moments

3. Love the Little Moments
Fathers can bond with their daughters in simple moments of fun. Quality time comes when you least expect it!

Daddy-only Time
Daddy-only Time

4. Daddy-only Time
Spending time together is the best way to nurture the father/daughter bond. Plan fun activities and special outings as well as plenty of time at home, just being together.

Related: 8 "mom" moments from real parents

Be a Role Model
Be a Role Model

5. Be a Role Model
A father's influence on his daughter is like no other. By nurturing this relationship from early in her life, she'll have the security and comfort to come to him later in life with her worries, questions, and fears. You're laying the foundation for one of the most important relationships she'll ever have, and the investment is well worth the reward.

One-on-One Time
One-on-One Time

6. One-on-One time
No matter if your baby is daughter #1 or #3, dads can bond with babies by spending one-on-one time and making each child feel special.

- By Mary Lauren Weimer
Follow Mary Lauren on Disney Baby

For 15 things every first-time dad needs to know, visit Disney Baby!


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